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DermaSweeping | Medical & Chemical Peels | Salicyclic, Glycolic, TCA And Specialty Peels

Dr. Effron has lectured on peel techniques in Iceland, Portugal, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur.

What Are The Various Types Of Peels And How Does It Work?

Salicylic acid and glycolic acid peels are gentle acids used to exfoliate the skin. These peels rejuvenate, hydrate, balance oil production and eliminate debris from pores and control acne. Salicylic Acid peels are the lightest form of peel application and glycolic acid peels are considered medium in strength. Medium peels are known to stimulate collagen renewal, resulting in firmer skin and a reduction in fine wrinkles.

For enhanced results, try Dr. Effron’s Combo Peel, which utilizes microdermabrasion and a glycolic acid peel. There is little to no down time with this procedure.

For moderate peels try our enhanced Jessners Peel. For less downtime try our “CDOC Peel” which has two to four day peeling.

TCA peels are the deepest form of peel using chemicals to exfoliate the skin. This peel has been shown to improve fine lines and wrinkles, smooth mild acne scars, reduce the appearance of light brown spots and give a refreshing glow to your skin. This peel does require some down time.

For enhanced results, try the Beauty For Generations Peel, which utilizes a TCA peel with exfoliation of the skin and a clay mask for cleansing.

Results: How Many Chemical Peel Treatments Will I Need?

A light peel typically requires repeated applications. For a medium or deep peel, one treatment usually suffices. In general, the deeper the peel, the longer the effect. A light peel must be repeated regularly, while a medium peel will last up to a year. A deep peel will create permanent results, although new wrinkles may form.

Call 714.974.3272 for our Anaheim Hills location or call 714.848.5851 for our Huntington Beach location to schedule a consultation and learn more.

What People Say About Us!

Dr. Effron is very knowledgeable, up to date on practices and makes time for her patients.